After a cold five minute shower Hei was dashing down the hall ways towards the staff room. He'd made Lan wait to long as it was, and he rather preferred to keep all parts of his body intact, thank you. Once he got closer to the room he slowed down, composed himself as best he could and entered the staff room. Most of his composure failed him when he spotted Lan beside the counter with a rather large knife in her hand. Hei could feel the blood draining out of his face at the sight, but he tried his best to not show it. She knew she was imposing, and was damn good at it too. He didn't need to confirm it any more than he already did on a regular basis.
"I apologize for the wait, you know how long it takes the water to heat up in the security room." All of the patients, and most of the other rooms didn't have this problem, but particularly the security room - for it had been an addition to the establishment - had horrible wait time for any sort of hot water. It was, thankfully at this moment, a known fact, and served as a very good excuse for a great number of things.
Trying not to look at Lan with the knife - cause surely he would lose a large percentage of his resolve - Hei moved to the small table and set down his things, a package of fresh Jasmin tea and two beautifully hand crafted dainty cups. They were the nicest and most traditional things he had brought with him, and he hoped that perhaps Lan would be at least a little impressed. Maybe...
"I brought Jasmin tea, I wasn't sure if you would like it or something else, so I went ahead and brought it."